The Chen Agency, Realtors

Stuart Eckert

Dear Nelson,

I thought it would be appropriate at this time for you to be aware of how Geri Sheahan, one of your sales associates, conducted her self in the sale of my cooperative apartment.

It was a little over 3 months from the time we hired your agency to sell our apartment that the sale was completed.

It was without saying that Geri acted in a most professional manner, acting as our agent. It wasn’t that a week would go by, that we would get a call from Geri, covering all the sales activity of the preceding weeks and week.

She was on top of all that went on and going on consternating so no stone was unturned.

Through this vigilance and persistence, our apartment was sold and on Thursday August 25, the apartment will be closed on, to the satisfaction of both buyer and seller.

I thought you should know how Geri performed in selling our apartment and we certainly will recommend your agency if anyone asks us. Her constant diligence and the fact her client is number one in getting the job done paid off for both Geri and us.


Stuart Eckert